Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day #9

The matchmaker came this morning! Lucien had a baby girl with a mimitchi. I'm not sure what I'll name Lucen's daughter yet. Above is a picture of Lucen with her baby daughter.

Lucien had a fun day today! She connected with another v2, Cyria, and they played a few games and exchanged a couple of gifts. I then became addicted to the game SLOTS. We gathered up enough points to buy out the shop--some treats and a pair of sunglasses. We still have a lot of points left over! Lucen likes her new sunglasses and looks really cool while wearing them!

Lucen and her daughter are sleeping now. I was not with them for the last hour, so they went to bed with one heart missing from both happiness and hunger, and Lucen's daughter left behind a poop. Lucen is 7 years old and weights 32 pounds.  We have 712 points left from out SLOTS and shopping spree today.

~Please check out my friend Chiko's log!~

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