Monday, December 5, 2011

Day #10

Today was my last day with Lucen. At midnight tonight, she will leave, and I will be left with her daughter. I'm still not sure what I will name her yet.

I bought out most of the shop this morning, minus something I can't remember that we couldn't afford. I bought treats and maracas. Lucen played with her maracas. I fed Lucen a few of her treats. Then Lucen and her daughter became ill, as seen in the picture above. I gave them medicine and they got better.

We played a few games of SLOTS today, so we still have some points saved up. We used the 2 plants we had and both of them were snakes. Once, I gave Lucen a treat and some weird action happened afterwards. She lost all of her happiness hearts and I had to earn them back.

Lucen and her daughter are sleeping now. Lucen's daughter is arranged to marry Cyria's son once they are adults. Lucen is sleeping now. She will leave at midnight. Lucen went to bed missing one hungry heart, full happy hearts, and no poops were beside her. She is 8 years old and weighs 36 pounds. We only have 240 points left.

~Please visit my friend Chiko's log!~

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