Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day #19

The matchmaker came today! I was at school and by chance happened to look at Daine while the matchmaker was waiting. I was excited, and of course, let Daine have her one night stand and get pregnant. She married the thing that looks like a seal. In the picture above, Daine and the seal met and fell in love.

Daine had a baby boy. I'm not sure what I'll name him yet. My first day with him will be on Friday, so he chose a good time to be born, unlike his unfortunate mother!

Daine and I actually didn't play and games today, because honestly, I was busy and didn't care enough. Daine has a son now, so she has no time to play games. She has to take care of the thing now. Anyways, they were sick once, like usual, and I gave them medicine. The baby left poops all over the place and I had to keep picking them up. Always the baby... oh well.

Daine and her new son will be going to bed in about 10 minutes. Right now, they have perfect stats and no missed poops. Daine is 8 years old and weighs 99 pounds. I just dropped Daine and her son on the floor looking this up. We have 892 points!

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