Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day #25 (Start Hiatus #1)

This is my last day with Nav for a while. I have decided that after today, he will be put on pause so I can have a break and enjoy my holiday season without responsibility, since I have just obtained a new (real) pet that I need to take care of.

Today was a fairly boring day. We played no games and bought no stuff. Nav evolved into the worst character, which of course you can't really see in my picture. It's the football helmet guy.

Nav is sleeping now. He went to bed missing 2 happy hearts. We still have 7 training points. He is 4 years old and weighs 99 pounds. We still have 62 points.

~Begin Hiatus #1~

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day #24

Admittedly, not much happened today, either. I actually did buy something today, though. For 1,000 points, I bought some glasses. Nav of course can't use them yet, since he's still a teenager.

I have decided to give up on Nav's weight. I don't care what he weighs, honestly. We didn't play any games today, but that's fine. He did get a couple more training points today, though! He pouted and I praised him. So now, he only needs 2 or 3 more training points. However, I doubt I'll be able to get them before he turns into an adult.

Above is a picture of Nav, not really doing anything. Just being Nav. Without my lamp's added light, it's hard to see, but it's really not that important.

Nav is sleeping now. He went to sleep with one missed poop, two hearts missing from hungry, and one heart missing from happy. He has 7 training points. He is 3 years old and weighs 97 pounds. We have 62 points.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day #23

I kind of neglected Nav today. I was busy doing other stuff that I wanted to do, and poor Nav suffered. We didn't play games today, didn't buy anything, and didn't do anything special.

I even left the house without Nav and was gone longer than expected. When I came home, Nav was sick and had poops by him and had all hearts gone. I took a picture but I guess it didn't turn out that well, as you can see above... oh well.

Nav is asleep now, the poor soul. At least now he's sleeping with perfect stats and no poops. He has 5 training points now, so yay! He's 2 years old and already weighs 71 pounds... my fault, yes, whatever. We still have 1062 points.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day #22

Eh, things were okay today. Not that bad, but not what I had originally planned. Nav and I didn't play as many games as I had hoped, so he's still overweight, but whatever. He evolved in the late afternoon, and you can see in the picture above that it's not the prettiest little character ever, but that's fine.

We won the jackpot of JUMP a couple times, but that's as far as games went. He did beep for no reason once and pouted, so I praised him. I didn't get him to the toilet in time for any training points. It's not looking too well for him training-wise, since he's already a teenager now.

Nav went to sleep an hour and a half ago with no missed poops and perfect stats. He only has 4 training points. He is 1 year old and weighs 39 pounds. We have 1062 points.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day #21

Today was my first day with Daine's beautiful son and Lucen's grandson! I decided to name him Nav, short for Naviron, which of course wouldn't fit. Nav's life began after I got home from school. We played quite a few games of JUMP. However, during his baby stage, I'd often forget to check on him frequently, so a lot of the time his stats drooped really low. He even had two poops besides him when he took his nap! I never did get him to the toilet. However, when he was sick, I gave him medicine really quickly, and when he cried, I praised him. Hooray!

Nav later evolved into the same blob Lucen evolved into when she was a child. I'm not sure if I should take this as a good or a bad sign, but we will see. He did beep once for no reason, and I gave him a time out. I fed Nav some eggs as a fun little treat, as you can see in the picture above. Nav also enjoyed playing with his ball. It's his favorite (and only usable at this stage in his life) toy.

Nav went to bed a while ago. He is sleeping with perfect stats and no missed poops beside him. He has 2 training points. He is 0 years old and weighs 19 pounds, so he is a little bit overweight, but not by that much. Nothing a couple games of JUMP can't take care of. We have 993 points.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day #20

Today was my last day with Daine. But what did we do all day? We went to school and spent almost no time together, of course. That's life--it's terrible.

Daine spent most of her final day of life watching television, as you can see in the picture above. I'm not sure what show she's been watching all day, but it must be entertaining, because she's ditching her kid to watch it. 

We didn't play games today. Tomorrow, her son will be starting his life after school. However, to celebrate, I bought corn in the shop for Daine and I have just fed it to her. She shared it with her son.

This log was posted a bit early. Daine won't be going to bed for another half hour or so. But I'm tired and want to go to bed now, so Daine is still awake. Right now, she has perfect stats and there aren't any poops. She is 8 years old and weighs 99 pounds. We have 812 points. As a final note, I just turned off the lights and they went to bed on their own. Confused, I turned them back on, and they still sleep. I am satisfied.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day #19

The matchmaker came today! I was at school and by chance happened to look at Daine while the matchmaker was waiting. I was excited, and of course, let Daine have her one night stand and get pregnant. She married the thing that looks like a seal. In the picture above, Daine and the seal met and fell in love.

Daine had a baby boy. I'm not sure what I'll name him yet. My first day with him will be on Friday, so he chose a good time to be born, unlike his unfortunate mother!

Daine and I actually didn't play and games today, because honestly, I was busy and didn't care enough. Daine has a son now, so she has no time to play games. She has to take care of the thing now. Anyways, they were sick once, like usual, and I gave them medicine. The baby left poops all over the place and I had to keep picking them up. Always the baby... oh well.

Daine and her new son will be going to bed in about 10 minutes. Right now, they have perfect stats and no missed poops. Daine is 8 years old and weighs 99 pounds. I just dropped Daine and her son on the floor looking this up. We have 892 points!