Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day #5

Forget what I said yesterday about Lucen becoming an adult today. That's tomorrow. Lucen was still a teen today, all day.

The beginning of the day was very slow and we didn't play very much. I was busy at school. But after the business, a lot happened. Lucen beeped for no reason a lot today and I had to give her time outs, even though she already has full training. She still poops sometimes, but on other occasions I catch her making it to the toiler on her own, so I consider her half potty-trained. We played a lot of JUMP today, and although we got closer, we never won the jackpot. We tried playing BUMP and HEADING, but failed miserably each time.

Lucen was a very good girl today, so I gave her the tea that we bought from the shop the other day, as you can see in the picture above. We went to the shop and bought a pencil, so now we have 2 saved up for her to use tomorrow after she transforms into an adult.

Lucen just fell asleep minutes ago with full hearts and no poops next to her. She is now 3 years old and weighs exactly 20 pounds. We also have exactly 100 points.

~Please check out my friend Chiko's log!~

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